Reviews, Commentaries, Replies, etc
Exchange with Rogers Smith: review of Smith’s Political Peoplehood and Reply to Smith’s review of Grounds for Difference. Perspectives on Politics 15, no. 3 (September 2017): 796–97.
“Grounds for Difference: Seminar with Rogers Brubaker.” Filozofija i Društvo / Philosophy and Society 28, no. 2 (July 1, 2017): 289–303.
Reply to Iván Szelényi’s review of Trans: Contexts, fall 2017.
“Revisiting ‘The “Diaspora” Diaspora’: A Response to Claire Alexander.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 40, no. 9 (2017): 1556-1561
Reply to review symposium on Trans. Ethnic and Racial Studies 40, no. 8 (2017): 1330-1336.
“Review essay on Andreas Wimmer’s Ethnic Boundary Making.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 37 [5] (2014):804-808
Reply to review symposium on Gellner Lecture on “Language, Religion, and the Politics of Difference.” Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism 13 [2] (2013): 256-9.
Reply to review symposium on Nationalist Politics and Everyday Ethnicity in a Transylvanian Town. East Central Europe 36 (2009) 155–157
Reply to H-Net discussion of Nationalist Politics and Everyday Ethnicity in a Transylvanian Town.
Reply to review symposium on Ethnicity without Groups.
“Neither Individualism nor ‘Groupism’: A reply to Craig Calhoun.” Ethnicities 3[4](2003):553-557
“Cognitive Perspectives.” Ethnicities 1 [1] (April 2001):15-17.
Review essay on Thomas Ertman’s Birth of the Leviathan. London Review of Books, October 15, 1998.
Review of Rainer Bauböck’s Transnational citizenship: Membership and rights in international migration. Ethnic and Racial Studies 20, no. 2 (April 1997):414 415.
Comments on Gary Freeman’s “Modes of Immigration Politics in Liberal Democratic States.” International Migration Review 29 [4] (Winter 1995): 903-908.
“Are Immigration Control Efforts Really Failing?” Pp. 227-231 in Controlling Immigration: A Global Perspective, ed. Wayne Cornelius, Philip Martin, and James Hollifield (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1994).
Review of Hélène Carrère d’Encausse, The End of the Soviet Empire: The Triumph of the Nations, and Alexander J. Motyl, ed., The Post-Soviet Nations: Perspectives on the Demise of the USSR. Contemporary Sociology 22 [4] (July 1993):514-516.
“Rationalization.” In The Blackwell Dictionary of Twentieth‑Century Social Thought. Oxford: Blackwell, 1993:546-547.
Review of Kenneth L. Karst, Belonging to America: Equal Citizenship and the Constitution, and J. M. Barbalet, Citizenship: Rights, Struggle and Class Inequality. Journal of American Ethnic History 11 [4] (Summer 1992):80-82.
Comments on Alessandro Pizzorno, “Social Control and the Organization of the Self.” Pp. 234‑238 in Social Theory for a Changing Society. Edited by Pierre Bourdieu and James Coleman. Boulder, Co. and New York: Westview Press and Russell Sage Foundation, 1991
“Frontier Theses: Exit, Voice, and Loyalty in East Germany.” Migration World, Vol. 18, No. 3/4, 1990, pp. 12‑17.
Review of Pierre Bourdieu, Choses Dites. Contemporary Sociology 18 [5] (September 1989).
Review of Siegwart Lindenberg, James S. Coleman, and Stefan Nowak, eds., Approaches to Social Theory, in American Journal of Sociology 95 [2] (September 1989):463-466.
Review of Frank Hearn, Reason and Freedom in Sociological Thought. American Journal of Sociology 92 [6] (May 1987).
Review of Jeffrey Alexander, Theoretical Logic in Sociology, vol. 4: The Modern Reconstruction of Classical Thought: Talcott Parsons. Social Forces, December, 1985.